Historylinks Archive

Skardies at Cyderhall Pic 1625: Skardies at Cyderhall Clashmore SWRI Photograph Pic 3410: Clashmore SWRI Photograph A Taste of Burns 2020 Pic 14330: A Taste of Burns 2020 Silversmith workshop - Longhouse project Pic 14331: Silversmith workshop - Longhouse project Contract for the construction of the DLR Pic 14393: Contract for the construction of the DLR  British Legion parade 1971 Pic 14396: British Legion parade 1971 Historylinks Museum pre-clearance settlement project Pic 14398: Historylinks Museum pre-clearance settlement project Covid-19 - Dornoch Coronavirus Chronicle - Eerie Dornoch Square Pic 14400: Covid-19 - Dornoch Coronavirus Chronicle - Eerie Dornoch Square ‘Lock-down’ - A quiet Castle Street Pic 14401: ‘Lock-down’ - A quiet Castle Street ‘Lock-down’ - Dornoch High Street Pic 14402: ‘Lock-down’ - Dornoch High Street ‘Lock-down’ - Cathedral roadway adjacent to the Green Pic 14403: ‘Lock-down’ - Cathedral roadway adjacent to the Green 'Lock-down' - Community Council support Pic 14404: 'Lock-down' - Community Council support 'Lock-down' - Community volunteer support Pic 14405: 'Lock-down' - Community volunteer support The Rainbow of Hope   Pic 14406: The Rainbow of Hope St Gilbert Street rainbow and coloured balls Pic 14407: St Gilbert Street rainbow and coloured balls Thanks to NHS and key workers Pic 14408: Thanks to NHS and key workers Co-op shop display of posters Pic 14409: Co-op shop display of posters Letter from the Prime Minister Pic 14410: Letter from the Prime Minister Government Coronavirus 'Stay at Home' leaflet Pic 14411: Government Coronavirus 'Stay at Home' leaflet Scottish Government letter Pic 14412: Scottish Government letter Coronavirus (Covid-19) Leaflet Pic 14413: Coronavirus (Covid-19) Leaflet Film 'Links through Dornoch's History' Pic 14414: Film 'Links through Dornoch's History' The Carnegie Courthouse Pic 14415: The Carnegie Courthouse Architecture of the Jail Pic 14416: Architecture of the Jail