Historylinks Archive

Finds from Cuthill Links Pic 11025: Finds from Cuthill Links Finds from Creag Astle Pic 11026: Finds from Creag Astle Finds from Cuthill Links Pic 11027: Finds from Cuthill Links Finds from Cuthill Links Pic 11028: Finds from Cuthill Links Finds from Cuthill Links Pic 11030: Finds from Cuthill Links Kilphedir hut circle Pic 11036: Kilphedir hut circle Kilphedir stony hut circle Pic 11037: Kilphedir stony hut circle Kilphedir heathery hut circle Pic 11038: Kilphedir heathery hut circle Kilphedir deserted clachan Pic 11039: Kilphedir deserted clachan Key plan of Evelix Valley Pic 11041: Key plan of Evelix Valley Key plan of Evelix Valley Pic 11042: Key plan of Evelix Valley Cnoc Garbh-airigh survey Pic 11043: Cnoc Garbh-airigh survey Dornoch Forest District Map 51 Pic 11044: Dornoch Forest District Map 51 Cyderhall quarry dig Pic 11050: Cyderhall quarry dig Shell Midden at NH 788 883 Cuthill Links Pic 11069: Shell Midden at NH 788 883 Cuthill Links Bronze Age human remains found in Spinningdale garden Pic 11089: Bronze Age human remains found in Spinningdale garden Charles I 2d turner 1629 Pic 11134: Charles I 2d turner 1629 Charles II 2d turner 1663 Pic 11135: Charles II 2d turner 1663 Charles II 2d bodle 1677 Pic 11136: Charles II 2d bodle 1677 Charles II 6d bawbee 1677 Pic 11137: Charles II 6d bawbee 1677 Inverness halfpenny token Pic 11138: Inverness halfpenny token Talk by Alastair Jupp on Brochs Pic 11139: Talk by Alastair Jupp on Brochs Objects discovered on Pitgrudy Farm - two pistol bullets Pic 11194: Objects discovered on Pitgrudy Farm - two pistol bullets Objects discovered on Pitgrudy Farm - seven musket balls Pic 11195: Objects discovered on Pitgrudy Farm - seven musket balls