Historylinks Archive

Medieval Gold Stirrup Ring Pic 14824: Medieval Gold Stirrup Ring Collection of medieval dress pins Pic 14825: Collection of medieval dress pins Metal strap end Pic 14826: Metal strap end Elizabeth I sixpence 1568 Pic 14827: Elizabeth I sixpence 1568 Mary Queen of Scots halfpence 1560 Pic 14828: Mary Queen of Scots halfpence 1560 Dublin issue gun money Pic 14829: Dublin issue gun money Irish regal half penny 1696 Pic 14830: Irish regal half penny 1696 Lead gaming piece Pic 14831: Lead gaming piece Collection of musket balls Pic 14832: Collection of musket balls Lead cross Pic 14843: Lead cross Collection of spindle whorls Pic 14844: Collection of spindle whorls Bronze fragment Pic 14845: Bronze fragment Cameo mounting / setting Pic 14846: Cameo mounting / setting Unidentified metal fixing Pic 14847: Unidentified metal fixing A collection of 4 buttons of various sizes Pic 14848: A collection of 4 buttons of various sizes A small metal object from a chain Pic 14849: A small metal object from a chain Metal hoop Pic 14850: Metal hoop Medieval seal matrix Pic 14851: Medieval seal matrix Thimble Pic 14852: Thimble Metal fragments from a domestic vessel Pic 14853: Metal fragments from a domestic vessel Medieval pierced oblong weight Pic 14854: Medieval pierced oblong weight Bullet with cartridge case Pic 14855: Bullet with cartridge case Musket shots Pic 14856: Musket shots Metal button in the shape of a thistle Pic 14857: Metal button in the shape of a thistle