Inverness halfpenny token
Halfpenny trade token issued in Inverness. These were issued between 1793 and 1796 by manufacturers, merchants and retailers as a way of creating small change, and could be redeemed at face value.
On one side are a rose and thistle united with the lettering INVERNESS HALFPENNY 1795. On the other is a cornucopia with the Clachnacudden stone below and the words CONCORDIA ET FIDELITAS (the town motto) and CLACH NA CUDDEN. The name of the issuer is on the egde of the token and includes the word INGLIS. There is background information on these tokens in the object information file in the front office
With the information about the token there are also two pieces of paper relating to another token issued to commemorate the establishment of the mail coach system in the 1780s by MP J Palmer. An example of one of these was apparently found at Gilchrist Square in May 1994 by Mrs J Grant, but its whereabouts is unknown.
Dimensions: Diameter 30mm