Bronze Age human remains found in Spinningdale garden
Date Added: 08 May 2012
Year: 2011
Institution Name: dnhhl
Cat No: ◀ | 2012_016 | ▶
Picture No: 11089
Extract from Northern Times published on 30 September 2011 reporting the discovery of bronze age human remains in the garden of a house in Spinningdale. The burial cist, a stone-lined chamber sealed with a large flat capstone, contained human remains and a pottery bowl or beaker placed near the skull. They are thought to be around 3,500 years old. The find was made by Tain digger driver Ronnie Fraser during construction of an extension to the home of Glenys Munro at Keas Cottage, Spinningdale. The report concludes with a statement that experts from Glasgow University Archaeological Research Division were to conduct a full investigation of the site.
Dimensions: Newspaper clipping
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