Historylinks Archive

Unknown man Pic 1167: Unknown man Unknown man Pic 1183: Unknown man MacKay family tree Pic 1646: MacKay family tree Donald Ross with grand-daughters Pic 2174: Donald Ross with grand-daughters Portrait of five men Pic 2390: Portrait of five men John Oman Pic 2394: John Oman Selling sheep, Mrs John Omand, Feeding chickens and geese Pic 2670: Selling sheep, Mrs John Omand, Feeding chickens and geese John Sutherland family photograph Pic 2989: John Sutherland family photograph William Munro's Family Tree Pic 4005: William Munro's Family Tree Collection of photographs of members of the Ross and Cumming families of Embo Pic 4395: Collection of photographs of members of the Ross and Cumming families of Embo Life of Evan Charles Sutherland-Walker  of Skibo Pic 4552: Life of Evan Charles Sutherland-Walker of Skibo Genealogy notes on Robert Gray d 1776 Pic 4607: Genealogy notes on Robert Gray d 1776 Family Tree William Murray b 1755 Pic 4620: Family Tree William Murray b 1755 Family Group of George McKay born c 1763 at Skelbo Pic 4819: Family Group of George McKay born c 1763 at Skelbo Family Group record Sackville George Sutherland McKay b 1782 Pic 4820: Family Group record Sackville George Sutherland McKay b 1782 Family Group record of John McKay born 1820 in Dornoch Pic 4821: Family Group record of John McKay born 1820 in Dornoch Millicent Duchess of Sutherland - Stafford Archives Pic 4919: Millicent Duchess of Sutherland - Stafford Archives Obituary for Ruby Munro, Balvraid Pic 5010: Obituary for Ruby Munro, Balvraid Telegram birth of a Master of Reay-Reay 1937 Pic 5036: Telegram birth of a Master of Reay-Reay 1937 Letter from John Grant to Mrs Grant 1807 Pic 5037: Letter from John Grant to Mrs Grant 1807 History of Dornoch Village, Ontario, Canada Pic 5062: History of Dornoch Village, Ontario, Canada Bentinck bayonets and  family history Pic 5064: Bentinck bayonets and family history In Memoriam John Matheson 1891 Pic 5091: In Memoriam John Matheson 1891 Walter Mackay, miller at Cyderhall Pic 5099: Walter Mackay, miller at Cyderhall