Provost W S Fraser and his relatives abroad
Date Added: 06 October 2008
Year: 1851
Institution Name: dnhhl
Cat No: ◀ | 2006_205 | ▶
Picture No: 5369
Set of papers relating to career of Provost W S Fraser and his relatives abroad. Includes: 1. Extracts from 1851 census (4 pages). 2. Family tree of Fraser, his parents and the family of his brother George who were born in Grenada. 3. Notes from "Old Dornoch" pp 110, 124 and 146-7 relating to William Sutherland of Sciberscross who was the grandfather of Provost Fraser and Angus Fraser, his father. 4. Letter from Joan Beckenham enclosing details of 5 relatives of Provost Fraser. Provost Fraser was involved as procurator fiscal in the trial of the Clashmore rioters.
Dimensions: A5
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