Historylinks Archive

Telegram birth of a Master of Reay-Reay 1937

Telegram birth of a Master of Reay-Reay 1937

Date Added: 29 September 2008 Year: 1937 Institution Name: dnhhl Cat No: | 2002_007 | Picture No: 5036

Photocopy of telegram from Lord Reay to Rev Thomas Mackay re birth of son. Dated 13/7/1937.The telegram is addressed to" Rev.Thomas Mackay 5 Palace Grove SE 19". and says "Delighted to convey to you as president of London Society the glad news of the birth of a Master of Reay=Reay" The telegram seems to have been sent from Edinburgh at 6.50 on 13July 1937. Donor is Rev Mackay's grand-daughter Tibby Fenelon.

Dimensions: Height 145mm - Width 227mm


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