Pic 1706: Chambered Tomb ~ Meayll Circle, Rushen, Isle of Man
Pic 1707: Wag/Homestead at Dalnamain ~ Corn Drying Kiln
Pic 1708: Skara Brae, Orkney
Pic 1709: Durcha Broch, near Rosehall
Pic 1710: Broch at Carn Mor, Strath Carron, Ross
Pic 1711: Stone Circle at Aberscross
Pic 1828: Road between Bonar Bridge and Clashmore
Pic 1834: Abden, Dornoch prior to building of Bishopsfield houses
Pic 1837: Royal Dornoch Golf Course
Pic 1848: Kyle of Sutherland from Struie
Pic 1876: Bridge-end Skelbo near Dornoch
Pic 1877: Two men standing on river bank
Pic 1878: Loch Moy
Pic 1879: Sutherland Arms Hotel, Dornoch
Pic 1880: Formal garden - Skibo or Dunrobin
Pic 1881: Lairg Sheep Sales
Pic 1882: Highland Dancing
Pic 1883: Golf Presentation - Skibo Course?
Pic 1884: Couple on board a ship c 1930
Pic 1885: Houses at Embo
Pic 1886: Ruby Hardie fishing at a lake
Pic 1887: Skibo Castle and garden, viewed from west
Pic 1888: Elgin Cathedral, Porch of Chapter House
Pic 1889: Sheep Trial in Sutherland