Historylinks Archive

5th green at the Royal Dornoch Golf course Pic 12452: 5th green at the Royal Dornoch Golf course Aerial view  Royal Dornoch Golf course c 1930 Pic 12453: Aerial view Royal Dornoch Golf course c 1930 Royal Dornoch Golf Course looking North East Pic 12456: Royal Dornoch Golf Course looking North East Golfers at the 1st tee Royal Dornoch c 1930 Pic 12457: Golfers at the 1st tee Royal Dornoch c 1930 Wooden bank supports Pic 12458: Wooden bank supports Golfers at the Royal Dornoch c 1930 Pic 12466: Golfers at the Royal Dornoch c 1930 Dornoch vista from the Royal Dornoch Pic 12473: Dornoch vista from the Royal Dornoch Cast of 'The Mikado' Pic 12521: Cast of 'The Mikado' Dornoch Pageant c 1930 Pic 12523: Dornoch Pageant c 1930 Dornoch Pageant in front of The Castle c 1930 Pic 12535: Dornoch Pageant in front of The Castle c 1930 Highland Clansmen at Dornoch Pageant Pic 12536: Highland Clansmen at Dornoch Pageant Cast of an amateur production Pic 12544: Cast of an amateur production Male leather dancing pumps Pic 12551: Male leather dancing pumps Female Dancing Costume in Clan Ranald Tartan Pic 12552: Female Dancing Costume in Clan Ranald Tartan Postcard with montage of Dornoch photographs Pic 12572: Postcard with montage of Dornoch photographs aerial view of Royal Dornoch Golf Club Pic 12636: aerial view of Royal Dornoch Golf Club Neighbouring buildings Royal Dornoch Golf Club Pic 12662: Neighbouring buildings Royal Dornoch Golf Club Ben Bhraggie backcloth to the Royal Dornoch Pic 12673: Ben Bhraggie backcloth to the Royal Dornoch Portrait photograph of William Skinner Pic 12698: Portrait photograph of William Skinner K W Walker competing in the Carnegie Shield Pic 12710: K W Walker competing in the Carnegie Shield Six golfers at the Royal Dornoch Pic 12727: Six golfers at the Royal Dornoch Aerial view of Burghfield Hotel main entrance Pic 12855: Aerial view of Burghfield Hotel main entrance Twin span Bonar Bridge Pic 12865: Twin span Bonar Bridge Police and Military parade in Dornoch Square Pic 12883: Police and Military parade in Dornoch Square