Historylinks Archive

Embo School photographs Pic 26: Embo School photographs Gunn family, Fourpenny, Dornoch Pic 120: Gunn family, Fourpenny, Dornoch Gunn family, Fourpenny, Dornoch Pic 121: Gunn family, Fourpenny, Dornoch Merchants' Association Shop Hours Act 1912 Pic 140: Merchants' Association Shop Hours Act 1912 British Red Cross Society et al Pic 871: British Red Cross Society et al Invitation to wedding of Marquis of Stafford Pic 889: Invitation to wedding of Marquis of Stafford Appointment of James MacLachlan as Sheriff Substitute Pic 890: Appointment of James MacLachlan as Sheriff Substitute Thank you card from Andrew Carnegie Pic 891: Thank you card from Andrew Carnegie Embo School photographs Pic 918: Embo School photographs Dornoch Burgh school 1912 Pic 986: Dornoch Burgh school 1912 Embo Public school Class 1, 1912 Pic 1207: Embo Public school Class 1, 1912 Postcard to George Gordon Pic 1301: Postcard to George Gordon Postcard to George Gordon Pic 1302: Postcard to George Gordon Postcard to George Gordon Pic 1303: Postcard to George Gordon Postcard to George Gordon Pic 1304: Postcard to George Gordon Postcard to George Gordon Pic 1305: Postcard to George Gordon Postcard to George Gordon Pic 1306: Postcard to George Gordon Postcard to George Gordon Pic 1307: Postcard to George Gordon Postcard to George Gordon Pic 1318: Postcard to George Gordon Postcard to George Gordon Pic 1353: Postcard to George Gordon Postcard to George Gordon Pic 1356: Postcard to George Gordon Memorial tablet Rev Alexander Gillon MacAlpine Pic 1432: Memorial tablet Rev Alexander Gillon MacAlpine Station Hotel Pic 1572: Station Hotel Donald Ross photos - Janet, Lillian and Donald Ross Pic 1927: Donald Ross photos - Janet, Lillian and Donald Ross