Historylinks Archive

Embo School photographs

Embo School photographs

Date Added: 24 April 2008 Year: 1912 Institution Name: dnhhl Cat No: | 2002_274_001 | Picture No: 26

Two copies of a photograph of Class 3 of Embo Public School, 1912

Dimensions: A4 paper


I have puzzled over this photo for some years now in the hope of identifying some of the children... but I have to now admit failure. Both my parents were at Embo school in 1912 but as they were then 12 years old I guess that they were further along the road than Class 3 in that year. Some of the children here are identical to children that I knew in Embo school in the 1940s so I must assume that they are related. For example, the girl on the extreme right of the middle row is identical to Margaret Mackay (King) of 3 Macleod Terrace so this girl must be her aunt or mother. The boy second from the right in the back row is identical to Alastair Fraser (Frati)so he must be Jessie aigh Gallie's husband whose name now escapes me...and so on. Can someone who is near to the Highland Archives in Inverness not go there and get the Embo School Class Attendance list for Class 3 in 1912 so that I can be put out of my misery...! Comment left on 29 November 2013 at 17:26 by Kenneth Mackay
My grandfather living in Clashmore in 1912. He would have been 7 years old? Would he not have been in this photo as the boy second in from the top right looks so much like him. Thomas Murray, b.1905. His father, James Murray, grew up on the Murray croft on Embo Street. Comment left on 17 May 2019 at 22:53 by Elizabeth Sutherland Murray
I wonder if the boy on the top row second to last is my grandfather Thomas Murray. He was born in 1905 and lived in Clashmore so I am not sure if he would have attended the school there or Embo Public. The boy looks so much like him it is incredible. Comment left on 19 May 2019 at 02:17 by Elizabeth Sutherland Murray
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