Historylinks Archive

Fishermen baiting lines Pic 4907: Fishermen baiting lines Ross' Public Supply Store Embo Pic 4909: Ross' Public Supply Store Embo Sketch of Skibo Castle after remodelling Pic 5288: Sketch of Skibo Castle after remodelling Tour of Dornoch - names of houses, residents and occupations Pic 5370: Tour of Dornoch - names of houses, residents and occupations Antiquities in Easter Ross and Sutherland Pic 5668: Antiquities in Easter Ross and Sutherland Andrew Jameson KC Sheriff of Ross Cromarty and Sutherland Pic 5970: Andrew Jameson KC Sheriff of Ross Cromarty and Sutherland G J Campbell  Sheriff of Ross Cromarty and Sutherland Pic 5971: G J Campbell Sheriff of Ross Cromarty and Sutherland C J Guthrie KC Sheriff of Ross Cromarty and  Sutherland Pic 5972: C J Guthrie KC Sheriff of Ross Cromarty and Sutherland Iron Fencing Crab Pic 6734: Iron Fencing Crab Agricultural hand seed tray Pic 6746: Agricultural hand seed tray Putter golf club c. 1923 Pic 6751: Putter golf club c. 1923 New Testament 1900 Pic 6760: New Testament 1900 Sealing wax Pic 6775: Sealing wax Ink well stand Pic 6776: Ink well stand Post Office GPO Postman armband Pic 6783: Post Office GPO Postman armband General Post Office bicycle lamp c 1900 Pic 6841: General Post Office bicycle lamp c 1900 View of Earls' Cross and Sutherland coast Pic 6851: View of Earls' Cross and Sutherland coast Book entitled Pic 7010: Book entitled "Prince Charles Edward" by Charles Lang Horsemanship and Horsemastership Pic 7206: Horsemanship and Horsemastership Railway pocket watch Pic 7377: Railway pocket watch Post Office measuring tape Pic 7378: Post Office measuring tape Railway Ticket cupboard Pic 7429: Railway Ticket cupboard Railway ticket racks from Embo Station Pic 7430: Railway ticket racks from Embo Station Railway ticket rack from Embo Station Pic 7431: Railway ticket rack from Embo Station