Historylinks Archive

New Testament 1900

New Testament 1900

Date Added: 18 February 2009 Year: 1900 Institution Name: dnhhl Cat No: | 2001_272 | Picture No: 6760

New Testament in black leatherette cover presented to Private James Aitken, 1st. Sutherland Rifle Volunteers, on volunteering for active service in South Africa in January 1900, by Rev. Donald Grant.

Aitken was born at Coignafearny Farr in 1877 and died at Hilton Embo Street on 30-3-1960 and was a farmer at Trentham. Postage stamps of Cape of Good Hope and USA inside front cover. Front cover almost detached.

[See linked pdf for a Dornoch Heritage Society note accompanying the acquisition which provides the detail that the Cape of Good Hope stamp is a Halfpenny and the USA stamp 5 cents 1892]

Dimensions: Width 60 mm - Height 95 mm

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1 Comment

My 2nd great aunt Christina MacKay married a James Robert Aitken on the 25/6/1913 in Inverness.
James was born on 19/5/1877 at Gearnsary (Garnsary) Kildonan near Craig-an-alten-fearn.
I have not been able to find "Coignafearny, Farr" in maps (such as Hector Morrison's map of Sutherland 1853).
In the marriage certificate it states he was a farmer at Trentham Farm.
The two children of theirs that I know of were Ronald Aitken (see photo Nos: 390. 2257, 2258) and Ann "Nan" Aitken (see photo No: 3965)
In the 1891 census James was at Trentham Farm with his parents.
I am wondering if this is the same James Aitken.
Comment left on 04 January 2018 at 00:23 by MASIS PANOS
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