Historylinks Archive

The machine guns treating the barbed wire Pic 6488: The machine guns treating the barbed wire C Company's trenches with Sergeant Blakemore Pic 6489: C Company's trenches with Sergeant Blakemore D Company's line Pic 6490: D Company's line Bechers and Jack Pic 6491: Bechers and Jack Attempting to drain the communication trench Pic 6492: Attempting to drain the communication trench The Colonel returing from 'rounds' Pic 6493: The Colonel returing from 'rounds' Stirling's grave.  ‘Moat’ farm Pic 6494: Stirling's grave. ‘Moat’ farm Full view Stirling's grave.  ‘Moat' farm Pic 6495: Full view Stirling's grave. ‘Moat' farm The cross on Stirling's grave.  ‘Moat’ farm Pic 6496: The cross on Stirling's grave. ‘Moat’ farm An unexploded ‘Johnson’ Pic 6497: An unexploded ‘Johnson’ Church destroyed by German guns Pic 6498: Church destroyed by German guns Interior of Church destroyed by German guns Pic 6499: Interior of Church destroyed by German guns Royal Garrison Artillery 60 pound guns Pic 6500: Royal Garrison Artillery 60 pound guns Firing gun at limit of recoil Pic 6501: Firing gun at limit of recoil Our lines showing new breast works Pic 6502: Our lines showing new breast works Our lines  with new breast works Pic 6503: Our lines with new breast works The R.E. yard - piles of 'dug-out' frames Pic 6504: The R.E. yard - piles of 'dug-out' frames A study in empty tins Pic 6505: A study in empty tins Note the willow trees pitted with bullet marks Pic 6506: Note the willow trees pitted with bullet marks A 'Dug-out' frame in place Pic 6507: A 'Dug-out' frame in place After wet weather hap-hazard dugout subsides Pic 6508: After wet weather hap-hazard dugout subsides Brick laying to keep trenches dry Pic 6509: Brick laying to keep trenches dry ‘D’ Company ~  Burgess and Hamilton Pic 6510: ‘D’ Company ~ Burgess and Hamilton The old Headquarters Pic 6511: The old Headquarters