Historylinks Archive

Lady and dogs Pic 3181: Lady and dogs Westwick, Norfolk Pic 3182: Westwick, Norfolk Lilies Pic 3183: Lilies View near Tyndrum Pic 3184: View near Tyndrum River view Pic 3185: River view Canal and bridge Pic 3186: Canal and bridge Waterfall Pic 3187: Waterfall Old mill at Rossett Pic 3514: Old mill at Rossett Lady with dog in large garden grounds Pic 3515: Lady with dog in large garden grounds Church by the river at Aitcham Pic 3516: Church by the river at Aitcham Stone structure surrounded by ferns- possible kiln? Pic 3517: Stone structure surrounded by ferns- possible kiln? Portrait of an elderly woman Pic 3518: Portrait of an elderly woman River bank at Aitcham Shropshire Pic 3519: River bank at Aitcham Shropshire View of a loch and mountains Pic 3520: View of a loch and mountains River and church at Aitcham Shropshire Pic 3521: River and church at Aitcham Shropshire Monastic Ruins Pic 3522: Monastic Ruins Photograph of the inside doorway of an old building. Pic 3523: Photograph of the inside doorway of an old building. Posed, studio style photograph labelled 'Carolyn' Pic 3524: Posed, studio style photograph labelled 'Carolyn' Pool Pontcysyllte Pic 3525: Pool Pontcysyllte Bolton Castle  North Yorkshire Pic 3526: Bolton Castle North Yorkshire Pic 3527: "Dornoch Firth calm" Portrait of Miss K. L. Lyon Pic 3528: Portrait of Miss K. L. Lyon Font at Hodnet Hall Shropshire Pic 3529: Font at Hodnet Hall Shropshire Additional view of church ruins Pic 3530: Additional view of church ruins