Historylinks Archive

Queen Mother inspecting troops 1991 Pic 156: Queen Mother inspecting troops 1991 Queen Mother opening Dornoch Bridge 1991 Pic 157: Queen Mother opening Dornoch Bridge 1991 Dornoch Firth Bridge Pic 329: Dornoch Firth Bridge Dornoch Firth Bridge Pic 330: Dornoch Firth Bridge Dornoch Bridge Northern Times Special Supplement. Pic 331: Dornoch Bridge Northern Times Special Supplement. Dornoch Firth Festival 1991 Pic 332: Dornoch Firth Festival 1991 Royal opening Ceremony of Dornoch Firth Bridge Programme Pic 333: Royal opening Ceremony of Dornoch Firth Bridge Programme Bank statements and cheques, British Legion Dornoch branch Pic 426: Bank statements and cheques, British Legion Dornoch branch Newspaper cutting of the opening of the Dornoch Bridge Pic 450: Newspaper cutting of the opening of the Dornoch Bridge Newspaper cutting of the opening of the Dornoch Bridge Pic 451: Newspaper cutting of the opening of the Dornoch Bridge Newspaper cutting of the opening of the Dornoch Bridge Pic 452: Newspaper cutting of the opening of the Dornoch Bridge Notes on captured German field gun in Dornoch Pic 800: Notes on captured German field gun in Dornoch Discovery of St Michael's Well 1991 Pic 818: Discovery of St Michael's Well 1991 Site of St Michael's Well Pic 819: Site of St Michael's Well Site of St Michael's Well Pic 820: Site of St Michael's Well Site of St Michael's Well Pic 821: Site of St Michael's Well Site of St Michael's Well Pic 822: Site of St Michael's Well Site of St Michael's Well Pic 823: Site of St Michael's Well Site of St Michael's Well Pic 824: Site of St Michael's Well Site of St Michael's Well Pic 825: Site of St Michael's Well Site of St Michael's Well Pic 826: Site of St Michael's Well Site of St Michael's Well Pic 827: Site of St Michael's Well Site of St Michael's Well Pic 828: Site of St Michael's Well Site of St Michael's Well Pic 829: Site of St Michael's Well