Historylinks Archive

School and Golf Club group photographs Pic 2649: School and Golf Club group photographs Cabinet makers Church St, Family group with pram, Dornoch from SE Pic 2650: Cabinet makers Church St, Family group with pram, Dornoch from SE Vintage car, Group of builders, Maclennan's store, Golf Clubhouse Pic 2652: Vintage car, Group of builders, Maclennan's store, Golf Clubhouse 1928 Pageant Janet Horne, Golf, Dornoch Brass Band Pic 2653: 1928 Pageant Janet Horne, Golf, Dornoch Brass Band Dornoch Pipe Band & Town Council Pic 2654: Dornoch Pipe Band & Town Council Skibo estate workers, shoeing horse, gardeners Pic 2658: Skibo estate workers, shoeing horse, gardeners Studio photograph, Skibo Sawmill workers, horses and cart Pic 2659: Studio photograph, Skibo Sawmill workers, horses and cart Earl's Cross, Lonemore Road to Dornoch, Cathedral interior Pic 2660: Earl's Cross, Lonemore Road to Dornoch, Cathedral interior Dornoch Freedom ceremony, funeral Dornoch Stn, Last train Pic 2661: Dornoch Freedom ceremony, funeral Dornoch Stn, Last train Four men seeding oats Pic 3079: Four men seeding oats Unidentifed man Pic 3085: Unidentifed man Wooden set square Pic 3094: Wooden set square Wooden set square Pic 3095: Wooden set square Gilbert Street Pic 3301: Gilbert Street Mr & Mrs R Mackay Embo Pic 3305: Mr & Mrs R Mackay Embo Mr & Mrs J Cumming Pic 3308: Mr & Mrs J Cumming Elsie Pic 3309: Elsie "Gallie" and others Fisherman Pic 3312: Fisherman Skibo School, Sutherland Pic 4085: Skibo School, Sutherland Sailing vessels at Littleferry 1890's Pic 5019: Sailing vessels at Littleferry 1890's Two masted Ponoma of Portmahomack at Little Ferry Pic 5105: Two masted Ponoma of Portmahomack at Little Ferry Ponoma of Portmahomack at Littleferry north side Pic 5106: Ponoma of Portmahomack at Littleferry north side Sheep at Loch Fleet 1890's Pic 5108: Sheep at Loch Fleet 1890's Grenade fire extinguisher Pic 6230: Grenade fire extinguisher