Historylinks Archive

Video – Dornoch Fibre Fest 2022 Pic 15056: Video – Dornoch Fibre Fest 2022 Fibre Fest - ‘Costume Exhibition’ Pic 15057: Fibre Fest - ‘Costume Exhibition’ Monochrome photograph of Agnes Davidson Pic 15065: Monochrome photograph of Agnes Davidson Strong support at Brora for Ukraine fundraiser Pic 15093: Strong support at Brora for Ukraine fundraiser The Stewart Fitzroy Rosebowl	Pic 15141: The Stewart Fitzroy Rosebowl SWRI Agnes Livingstone Memorial Award Pic 15142: SWRI Agnes Livingstone Memorial Award SWRI Sutherland Federation 50th Jubilee Cushion Pic 15143: SWRI Sutherland Federation 50th Jubilee Cushion SWRI Tea Towel Pic 15145: SWRI Tea Towel Dornoch SWRI Stamp Pic 15146: Dornoch SWRI Stamp Set of 10 Dornoch SWRI Minute Books Pic 15147: Set of 10 Dornoch SWRI Minute Books Set of 3 Dornoch SWRI Account Books Pic 15148: Set of 3 Dornoch SWRI Account Books Set of 3 Committee Minute Books Pic 15149: Set of 3 Committee Minute Books Set of 3 Dornoch SWRI Membership Lists Pic 15150: Set of 3 Dornoch SWRI Membership Lists SWRI Annual Syllabus Pic 15151: SWRI Annual Syllabus National Festival of Community Drama Certificate Pic 15152: National Festival of Community Drama Certificate Set of 8 Dornoch SWRI Correspondence Books Pic 15153: Set of 8 Dornoch SWRI Correspondence Books Dornoch SWRI Press Reports Pic 15154: Dornoch SWRI Press Reports Dornoch SWRI Posters Pic 15155: Dornoch SWRI Posters SWRI Federation Handbooks Pic 15156: SWRI Federation Handbooks Dornoch SWRI 75th Birthday scrapbook Pic 15157: Dornoch SWRI 75th Birthday scrapbook Record of various Dornoch SWRI celebrations Pic 15158: Record of various Dornoch SWRI celebrations Record of various Dornoch SWRI awards and successes Pic 15159: Record of various Dornoch SWRI awards and successes Dornoch SWRI articles of interest Pic 15160: Dornoch SWRI articles of interest SWRI Federation Show Schedules and Results Pic 15161: SWRI Federation Show Schedules and Results