Pic 15138: Folk National and Art Songs Book II Pic 15139: Skibo School, 1922 Pic 15166: Rearquhar Public School, Dornoch Pic 15167: Rearquhar School, Dornoch Pic 15192: Improvements to Skibo School Pic 15194: Silver Tea Service Presentation to Miss Mackenzie Pic 15269: 'One Senior Secondary School for County' Pic 15274: 'School Heating Costs' Northern Times, 1965 Pic 15291: Photograph and note Pic 15292: School plan Pic 15293: School leaving certificate Pic 15294: List of Headmasters in Dornoch Pic 15295: Draft notes in preparation on 'History of Education in Dornoch' Pic 15296: History of Education in Sutherland Pic 15297: Geographical Description of the Dornoch Area Pic 15298: Typescript of essays by Dornoch school pupils class IIP Pic 15300: Town Council papers (part 2) Pic 15308: Letter from Donald MacDonald to Mrs Ross, Dornoch, 1816 Pic 15320: Photograph of Dornoch Academy U15's football team 1957-58 Pic 15373: The Poetical Works of Burns - Essay Prize Dornoch Primary Pic 15452: Miss Kirsty Grant on her scooter Pic 15592: Dornoch Academy seven pupils of Class IV B 1958 Pic 15593: Dr John Macpherson and Ishbel Temporary Warden and Matron Earls Cross Hostel Pic 15594: Temporary Warden and Matron Earls Cross Hostel, Dornoch <1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829>