Historylinks Archive

Rogart War Memorial List of those commemorated Pic 11508: Rogart War Memorial List of those commemorated Bible - Authorised Version Pic 11548: Bible - Authorised Version Renovation of Dornoch Free Church 2013 Pic 11722: Renovation of Dornoch Free Church 2013 Biography 'Mfundisi Tallach - a man with a burden for souls' Pic 11742: Biography 'Mfundisi Tallach - a man with a burden for souls' Men of the Covenant by Alexander Smellie Pic 11799: Men of the Covenant by Alexander Smellie The Covenanter Encyclopaedia by Dane Love Pic 11800: The Covenanter Encyclopaedia by Dane Love Waters of Free Presbyterianism in the Highlands swollen Pic 11816: Waters of Free Presbyterianism in the Highlands swollen Making of the Alter Cloth for St Finnbarr's Church centenary 2013 Pic 11847: Making of the Alter Cloth for St Finnbarr's Church centenary 2013 Photographs of making of the Alter Cloth for St Finnbarr's Church Pic 11848: Photographs of making of the Alter Cloth for St Finnbarr's Church Photograph of the completed Alter Cloth for St Finnbarr's Church Pic 11849: Photograph of the completed Alter Cloth for St Finnbarr's Church St Finnbarr's Church altar cloth to celebrate centenary 2013 Pic 11850: St Finnbarr's Church altar cloth to celebrate centenary 2013 'Catch The Vision: Roots of the Reformed Recovery' by John Murray Pic 11899: 'Catch The Vision: Roots of the Reformed Recovery' by John Murray Mummified cat  under church floorboards Pic 11950: Mummified cat under church floorboards St Finnbarr's Church marks its centenary Pic 11959: St Finnbarr's Church marks its centenary Mummified cat found in Dornoch Free Church Pic 11975: Mummified cat found in Dornoch Free Church Church hall extension scheme sparks row Pic 12089: Church hall extension scheme sparks row Forms of Prayer for Public Use in Time of War Pic 12101: Forms of Prayer for Public Use in Time of War DHS talk 'Edderton Old Church' Pic 12136: DHS talk 'Edderton Old Church' New-look church hosts open day Pic 12183: New-look church hosts open day St. Finnbarr's Episcopal Church Pic 12354: St. Finnbarr's Episcopal Church St. Finnbarr's Episcopal Church plan and section Pic 12355: St. Finnbarr's Episcopal Church plan and section St. Finnbarr's Episcopal Church plan and elevation Pic 12356: St. Finnbarr's Episcopal Church plan and elevation West Church, Dornoch Pic 12578: West Church, Dornoch In Our Parish: The Great Discovery Pic 13235: In Our Parish: The Great Discovery