Historylinks Archive

Petition to erect a porch at 1 Carnaig Street Pic 14478: Petition to erect a porch at 1 Carnaig Street Petition to erect an addition to premises Pic 14479: Petition to erect an addition to premises Petition to replace front windows Pic 14480: Petition to replace front windows Petition to erect a milk house Pic 14481: Petition to erect a milk house Petition to erect a garage at the rear of St Gilberts (sic.) Pic 14482: Petition to erect a garage at the rear of St Gilberts (sic.) Petition to erect a kitchen in Church Street Pic 14483: Petition to erect a kitchen in Church Street Petition to alter and repair premises in St.Gilbert Street Pic 14484: Petition to alter and repair premises in St.Gilbert Street Petition to make additions to house in Carnaig Street Pic 14485: Petition to make additions to house in Carnaig Street Petition for additions and alterations to shop in Castle Street Pic 14498: Petition for additions and alterations to shop in Castle Street Petition to re-erect The Sutherland Arms Hotel &c. Pic 14499: Petition to re-erect The Sutherland Arms Hotel &c. Petition to erect back shop etc. Pic 14500: Petition to erect back shop etc. Petition to reconstruct house and shop in High Street Pic 14501: Petition to reconstruct house and shop in High Street Petition to erect a new bungalow Pic 14511: Petition to erect a new bungalow Petition to install bathrooms and alterations to Burghfield Pic 14519: Petition to install bathrooms and alterations to Burghfield Petition to carry out repairs and additions Gilchrist Square Pic 14526: Petition to carry out repairs and additions Gilchrist Square Petition to ereect Public Convenience in Shore Road Pic 14536: Petition to ereect Public Convenience in Shore Road Petition for alterations to Burghfield Pic 14538: Petition for alterations to Burghfield Petition to erect a garage Pic 14544: Petition to erect a garage Petition to erect 8 new houses in Bishopfield Pic 14570: Petition to erect 8 new houses in Bishopfield Burgh of Dornoch Register and Index of Plans Pic 14598: Burgh of Dornoch Register and Index of Plans War Memorial site Pic 14652: War Memorial site Hill site chosen for  memorial site Pic 14653: Hill site chosen for memorial site Town schemes for Dornoch Pic 14655: Town schemes for Dornoch Title restored Pic 14659: Title restored