Pic 13222: British Rail Express Parcels Delivery sheets 1980 Pic 13223: John Player and Sons, Nottingham Delivery Slip Pic 13224: Consignment Note W D & H O Wills Pic 13714: Smithy Cottage Cuthill Pic 14005: Cast of 'Ladder for Lucy' Pic 14006: Cast of 'Ladder for Lucy' Pic 14007: Cast publicity photograph Pic 14009: Cast publicity photograph Pic 14010: Cast publicity photograph Pic 14013: Cast photograph Pic 14015: Dornoch Amateur Dramatic Society members Pic 14016: Brownies performance Pic 14017: Brownies performance wearing aprons Pic 14018: A chase across the stage Pic 14019: Amateur Dramatic Society members Pic 14020: Elsie Topp Dornoch Amateur Dramatic Society Pic 14022: Elsie Topp Quaich presentation Pic 14025: Dornoch Amateur Dramatic Society Group Pic 14026: Brora Golf group photograph Pic 14028: 'Lament for Dornoch' Pic 14029: Scottish Community Drama Association Pic 14110: Morag Sutherland teaching at Academy Pic 14130: Dornoch Hockey Association 1st XI badge Pic 14131: Dornoch Primary School photograph c 1970 <123456789101112>