Historylinks Archive

Marriage proclamation Pic 2003: Marriage proclamation Man and horse at Pitgrudy Pic 2484: Man and horse at Pitgrudy Man and bull at Pitgrudy Pic 2485: Man and bull at Pitgrudy Mare and foal at Pitgrudy Pic 2486: Mare and foal at Pitgrudy Mrs William Sutherland at Pitgrudy Pic 2487: Mrs William Sutherland at Pitgrudy Cattle at Pitgrudy Pic 2488: Cattle at Pitgrudy Story of William Mackay 1873 Pic 9082: Story of William Mackay 1873 Embo Public School Log book extracts 1873 - 1899 Pic 11345: Embo Public School Log book extracts 1873 - 1899