Geography field trip 1966 3rd year Dornoch Academy class
Date Added: 30 November 2010
Year: 1966
Institution Name: dnhhl
Cat No: ◀ | 2010_111_01 | ▶
Picture No: 9979
Monochrome photograph taken on a geography field trip climbing Ben Tarvie in the summer of 1966 by the 3rd year geography class of Dornoch Academy with their geography teacher Mr Macdonald (Matty). Pupils are from left to right: Marina Morrison (?); Kim Campbell; Josephine Grant; James McGillivray (partly hidden); Anne Banks( to the front); Michael Walker (Bonar Bridge); Innes Grant (looking down); Alex Thompson; Patricia Henderson; unknown boy with head down; Tom Steele; Jackie MacBain (Kinlochbervie); Colin Mackay (Bettyhill); John Morrison (Achfary). The second photograph 02 is of their teacher Matty Macdonald reclining in the heather.
Dimensions: jpeg file
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