Prime Minister Harold MacMillan at Dornoch Golf Club
Date Added: 12 November 2010
Year: 1957
Institution Name: dnhhl
Cat No: ◀ | 2010_110 | ▶
Picture No: 9921
Monochrome photograph of Prime Minister Harold MacMillan leaving the Royal Dornoch Golf Club accompanied by Eoin Mackintosh (Tosh) Secretary of the Golf Club for over 13 years. He was also the Postmaster and lived in Post Office House - selling it in 1970's following his wife's death. To the right is Club Steward Jim Macdonald. The car in the foreground is a Vauxhall Velox.
Dimensions: jpeg file
I remember the day well although I was only ten years old at the time I was standing at the front of the clubhouse when the then prime minister was on his way out to play he was accompanied by what seemed to me an enormous man in a heavy tweed suit and when his jacket blew open his large service revolver was evident in its shoulder holster the first time I had ever seen anybody carrying a gun, little did I know at that time ten years later I would be doing the same guarding Princess Alex at her home Richmond Park
Comment left on 12 November 2010 at 19:58 by Dan Murray
I'm pretty sure that Dennis Bethune was the PM's caddy that day.
Comment left on 17 November 2010 at 11:46 by Bill Leslie
As Bill Leslie has surmised I can confirm that Dennis Bethune was indeed the PM's caddy that day as I was his wife Dorothy's caddy. I recollect that Dennis told me later that the PM had jocularly remarked to him at one stage "I wouldn't try anything if I were you as that man behind us has a revolver in his pocket". When we reached the sixteenth hole, as I recall it, the PM, seeing the gathering of people awaiting him, muttered "Can't get any bloody peace". I also remember that on the way towards the clubhouse Dorothy queried me as to what I intended to do at University, etc. Good job I have a memory like an elephant,at least for the important things!
Comment left on 30 November 2010 at 17:49 by William Wickham.
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