WW2 gas mask
Gas mask for civilian use in 1939-45 war; metal and rubber, with canvas straps and perspex window, marked "L&BR CO NOV 1938". In original box marked L Davidson bus driver Dornoch. CAUTION contains asbestos. Packed into original box which has "TOP" written in pencil on it and the above marked name. The box is dirty and a little battered. Printed under the lid is "PACKING OF RESPIRATOR. The Respirator should be placed in box with heavy end (container) standing on bottom of box. The Transparent Eyepiece should lie evenly on the top of the container and at full length without any deformation. When Respirator is required for use. 1. Hold respirator by the straps. 2. Put on by first putting chin into the Facepiece and then draw the straps over the head. Adjust straps to obtain close but comfortable fit. 3. Take off by pulling the straps over the head from the back. DO NOT TAKE RESPIRATOR OFF BY PULLING THE CONTAINER UPWARDS OVER THE FACE." The box has dirty string threaded for aid of carriage and there are several iron staples holding one side together. There is a separate piece of cardboard inside the box to hold gas mask in place. The straps have three safety pins attached and have "MEDIUM" printed on them. The base of the mask has been newly secured with tape where the asbestos is contained.
Dimensions: Length 178mm - Width 140mm depth 110mm