First Private aeroplane to Land in Dornoch 27.06.30
Postcard of a sepia photograph of the first aeroplane to land in Dornoch on 27 June 1930. The plane is a biplane and the photo also contains various spectators and houses, which can be seen in the background. There is the name Edward Cohen on the card who may have been the pilot. (2 identical cards) (See also picture #5465) [National registration records show this aircraft to be an Avro Avian. A report in the Northern Times published on July 2, 1931 (picture #11814) records "Dornoch - Messrs Cohen arrived in their Avro-Avian aero plane at Dornoch on Friday (i.e. 26 Jun 31) evening. They had an uneventful flight, and with the exception of some fog about the east coast, had excellent weather. Crossing England and Scotland to Leuchars (Fife) they alighted at the aerodrome there. Starting up again, they crossed the Grampians and left the coastline at Hopeman, flying swiftly over the Moray Firth to Dornoch Links and gracefully alighted on the Glebe Park. A great crowd welcomed them on their arrival". There is no mention of this being the first aeroplane to land in Dornoch thus, from the date of the Northern Times article, by coincidence G-AAGR may have arrived on virtually the same date in two consecutive years. Administrator 7 Oct 2013]
Dimensions: Length 140mm - Width 90mm