Historylinks Archive

Dornoch scouts and cubs

Dornoch scouts and cubs

Date Added: 24 April 2008 Year Range: 1930 - 1935 Institution Name: dnhhl Cat No: | 2006_062_09 | Picture No: 390

Black and white photograph of group of scouts and cubs outside drill hall. Back row (l to r) ? Derek Sutherland, Chris Murray, John Robertson, Andrew Budge (Capt in 5th Seaforths, died in Western Desert), Willie Muir, Ivan Anderson. Second row: no information. Third Row (l to r) Leonard Will, ?, Pete Grant, Albert Simpson, ?, ?, Roddy Mackenzie, Bobbie Mackay, Gilbert Bentinck. Fourth row (l to r) ?, Willie Murray (RAF died Med.), ?. Victor Budge, John Murray, G Moir, Gordon Will, Steven Milne, Hamish Sutherland, Ron Aitken, ?. Front row (l to r) A I Macloud, Charlie Mackay, John Jeans, Hugh Mackenzie, Tony Robichaud, Raymond Robichaud, Duncan Mackenzie, John MacGregor, Gordon Grant

Dimensions: Height 105mm - Width 160mm


Tony and Raymond Robichaud (note spelling of surname and which was pronounced by them as "Rubyshaw") were the sons of Edith Catherine Robichaud of Oversteps, Dornoch. Mrs Robichaud was a very kind and cultured person of some means and was known by the name "Amaryllis". The name Robichaud appears to be French Canadian in origin.I remember Tony from the mid 1940s when he was courting Jessie Ann Slater of Embo. In the late 1940s he was serving in the RAF and visited my parents at our home in Glasgow. He was at that time driving a very smart new Triumph 1800 sports car. My parents knew Mrs Robichaud and her sons as my father's sister Margaret Fraser (Maggie Moyse Mackay) from Embo was Mrs Robichaud's live out housekeeper for a number of years. Mrs Robichaud is a witness to a will dated the 1 August 1931 and published on the web. In this document Mrs Robichaud is reported to be the wife of a Mr William Joseph Robichaud, a lumber merchant of New Brunswick, Canada. Comment left on 03 January 2011 at 21:21 by Kenneth Mackay
Johnny McGregor in the front row worked after the war with my father for Highland Omnibuses and was a side drummer. I cannot remember him playing in the Dornoch band but during the war he played with the Seaforths band and was, as all bandsmen were, on the battlefield as a stretcher bearer. He died 6.6.1966 twenty years to the day he landed on the beaches of Normandy Comment left on 12 January 2011 at 16:10 by Dan Murray
Date should have been 1964 addition not so good these days Comment left on 19 January 2011 at 17:11 by Dan Murray
Reference article submitted by Kenneth Mackay re: Tony and Raymond Robichaud 3.01.2011.
As far as my mother and I can recollect it was Raymond and not Tony who was in the RAF.
Perhaps Mr Mackay could please let us know if he has any evidence to support his assertion as I am currently putting together a family history.
Antonia Dickson. (nee Robichaud)
Comment left on 11 February 2011 at 20:17 by Antonia Mary Elizabeth Dickson
2nd row, 6th from left: I'm fairly certain that's my father, Donnie Calder (b. 1916). His best friend was Vic Budge, 4th row. Dad graduated from Dornoch Academy with the Dux Medal, and went to the University of Edinburgh with a scholarship from Andrew Carnegie. He emigrated to Canada with my Mum, Marjory (Gunn), and his three boys, Roy, Donald and John. I was born in Montreal. Dad died in Vancouver in 1991.

Comment left on 04 October 2013 at 21:20 by Jane (Calder) McElligott
I live in eastern Canada. Raymond and Anthony Robichaud would be long lost cousins. I am looking for descendants, relatives or other persons with some knowledge about this Robichaud family. I have written several books and short stories about the Robichaud family and other Acadian subjects. I am presently writing the story of William Joseph Robichaud and his wife Edith Catherine, who I understand lived several years in Dornoch, Scotland. Please share my email address and my interest about the history of this Robichaud family, appear to be my close cousins. I am looking forward to finding more from your readers. Thanks! Armand G. Robichaud Comment left on 07 June 2020 at 13:42 by Armand G. Robichaud
No memory of Tony, my father having been in RAF his brother Raymond certainly was. Comment left on 02 July 2020 at 17:45 by Toni Dickson (nee robichaud)
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