Historylinks Archive

Royal Dornoch golf club caddies

Royal Dornoch golf club caddies

Date Added: 24 April 2008 Year Range: 1930 - 1940 Institution Name: dnhhl Cat No: | 2006_062_08 | Picture No: 389

Black and white photograph of group of 40 caddies, mainly young girls and boys at Dornoch golf club.

Dimensions: Height 120mm - Width 166mm


The Grant twins, Cathy and Daisy are the isolated girl on the left and the girl standing in the front row holding the golf club. Third from the right in the front row of standing girls has got to be Beaty Wright (later Hutton) and it could be Effie Murray on her right(our left.) The tall girl with the dark hair at the back could be Effie's sister Nan. Second left in the front row of standing girls looks like Connie Crawford, later MacDonald and a Maths teacher in Dornoch Academy for many years. Comment left on 17 July 2016 at 10:01 by Bill Lesie
Sorry, Beatie Wright is second from the right in the front row of standing girls. Comment left on 18 July 2016 at 09:54 by Bill Lesie
I can confirm that's Connie Crawford, my mother. Same row, second from right is Daisy Cowie, her sister. Girl on her right does look very like Effie Murray ( married name ). My mother was born in 1927 so date will be late 30s. Comment left on 20 July 2016 at 18:00 by Maggie Macdonald
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