Historylinks Archive

Photograph of a group at the Sutherland Show

Photograph of a group at the Sutherland Show

Date Added: 24 April 2008 Year Range: 1940 - 1950 Institution Name: dnhhl Cat No: | 2002_286 | Picture No: 31

Photograph of group (committee) at ? Sutherland Agricultural Show or Dornoch Games: back row, Bill Bremner, Ted Brannen (County Architect), Charlie McHardy, W.G. McIntosh (Pitgrudy), W. Skinner (Town Clerk), Capt. Bob Grant, ?name unkown; front row, Major Rutherford, Willie Hugh Innes (donor's, John Innes, father-in-law), John MacLean (Bank of Scotland manager), Hector Ross (Sutherland Arms Hotel), ?estate owner/Paynter, Suisgill, William Macdonald (Sander Macdonald's father).

Dimensions: Length 116mm - Width 150mm


Has to be later than 1930 first person left at rear is Donnie Bremner Comment left on 18 March 2010 at 21:22 by Dan Murray
We are sure that the gentleman rear left is William Calder Bremner, cabinet maker and photographer, whose shop was 3 Church Street Dornoch in 1906. Father of Donnie Bremner born 1908 and late of Camore.

Comment left on 13 April 2013 at 22:23 by Janette Bremner, Donnie's daughter in law
The one and only photo that I have seen of my grandfather whom I never knew and who I was named after. Willie Hugh Innes. Comment left on 02 September 2023 at 10:50 by Willie Innes
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