Historylinks Archive

Skelbo Castle

Skelbo Castle

Date Added: 31 January 2024 Year Range: 1985 - 1987 Institution Name: dnhhl Cat No: | 2022_034_27 | Picture No: 15951

Skelbo Castle
A bundle of various documents, letters and newspaper cuttings related to the campaign to prevent the demolition of Skelbo Castle in the mid 1980’s. In the attached pdf file, these are:
Page 1 – Extract from Royal Commission on Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland copied by hand by Dr Robertson.
Pages 2-3 – Points from the long history of Skelbo.
Pages 4-8 – Skelbo Castle by Daniel Sutherland – copied by hand
Pages 9-11 – Skelbo Accounts 1756 – 1787
Page 12 – Letter from R M Russell to Architectural Heritage Society of Scotland dated 18 April 1985
Pages 13 – 15 Notes of a meeting convened by Clan Sutherland Society, 2 April 1986
Page 16 – Building Scotland Acts, Building at Skelbo Castle
Pages 17-18 – Hand drawn pictures of Skelbo Castle and House
Pages 19-21 – An extract from “The Fortified Houses of Scotland” by Nigel Tranter
Pages 22-25 – Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest
Page 26 – Letter from Architectural Heritage Society of Scotland to M Alexander (owner of the property) dated 10 May 1985
Page 27 – Building (Scotland) Acts – Dangerous buildings of historical importance
Pages 28-30 – Letter from Highland Regional Council to Divisional Planning Committee, Dornoch ref Building preservation Notice dated 15 April 1985
Page 31 – Newspaper cutting – Letters to the Editor “Save Skelbo Castle – a new Campaign?” published 5 April 1985
Page 32 – book extract
Page 33 – letter from Nigel Tranter – “Threat to Skelbo Castle”, 23 April 1985
Page 34 – Hand drawing
Pages 35-36 – Preserving our Heritage, Northern Times, 22 November 1985
Pages 37-41 – Clan Sutherland Society - paper in preparation for meeting on 2 April 1986
Pages 42-43 – Press statement from Daniel Sutherland, 3 April 1986
Pages 44-45 – Letter from Dr Robertson to Planning Officer, Dornoch, dated 29 December 1986
Page 46 – “A Plan to save Skelbo Castle”, Northern Times, 20 February 1987
Pages 47-52 – Petition for Guardianship of Skelbo Castle
Pages 53-54 – The long history of Skelbo.
Page 55 Letters to the Editor, Northern Times, 10 April 1987
Pages 56-60 – Letter from Scottish Historic Buildings Trust to Robert Maclennan M.P. together with plans for possible partial demolition and restoration of the Hall House.

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