Clearances in Dornoch
Date Added: 24 April 2008
Year Range: 1980 - 1990
Institution Name: dnhhl
Cat No: ◀ | 2004_034 | ▶
Picture No: 1278
12 photocopied pages from book by Robin Adam on Sutherland Estate management, detailing effects of clearances in Dornoch; includes maps and various extracts relating to individual areas.
Audit 01 - actually 11 pages present - including part of introduction; list of lands in parish of Dornoch 1811-16 detailing tenant, rent, duration, propietor's and tenants intersts, matters requiring attention; Appendix A which includes information on Dornoch in 1808 and 1815; and a map of the farmsteads and region.
Dimensions: A4
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