Carbide bicycle lamp
A silver metal carbide bicycle lamp overall dimensions 178mm high, 158mm in length (with spring bicycle clip attachment fully extended) with glass lens bell aperture 95mm diameter. The side of the lamp burner has two oval shaped glass lens. The bottom carbide powder container has a slim knurled screw base for the replenishment of carbide powder. The ovoid shaped water tank is above the power container with a cap, with small bead top. The cap would be periodically turned to regulate the release of water drops onto the carbide powder to produce the gas ignited to provide light. Adjustment would be necessary during the lamp's use. The lamp chimney has vents below a rounded cap. The front lens enclosure is hinged on the right hand side to give access to light the gas. A clip attachment, fixed to the bottom carbide container and the top water tank, has dual spring arms fixed to a rear slot enclosure which would clip the lamp onto a small angled arm which formed an integral part at the centre of bicycle handlebars. Carbide powder could be purchased from Chemist shops or bought in tins at some garages. The domed top of the chimney has the makers name 'Jos Lucas Ltd Birmingham' and this is also imprinted on the knurled tightening wheel linking the two spring arms of the clip attachment.
Dimensions: Length158 mm - Height 178 mm - Width 95 mm