Pic 13207: Dornoch Light Railway locomotive 55053 Pic 13213: Group photograph - opening of the Dornoch Railway Pic 13222: British Rail Express Parcels Delivery sheets 1980 Pic 13223: John Player and Sons, Nottingham Delivery Slip Pic 13243: Broken engine axle delayed Dornoch Train 1916 Pic 13250: Framed photograph of engine in Dornoch sidings Pic 13251: Framed photograph engine & wagon in Dornoch siding Pic 13424: Crossing Keeper's house Station Road Dornoch Pic 13495: Precarious bus loading operation at Lairg Station Pic 13637: Barbara (Ross) Fraser carrying fish at the Mound Pic 13658: Railway incident 11 July 1912 Pic 13677: 'Railway Time' pocket watch Pic 13762: Handwritten comment on building of Dornoch Light Pic 13814: Farewell to Old Friend Pic 14035: Dornoch train at The Mound crossing Pic 14037: The Highland Centenary -1 Pic 14038: Pre-Grouping Locomotives on British Railways - 2 Pic 14039: Train crossing The Mound bridge Pic 14040: Reprieve for the Far North Pic 14059: Plans & Sections for Dornoch Light Railway Pic 14060: Light Railway Commission Sheet No. 1 Pic 14061: Light Railway Commission Sheet No. 2 Pic 14062: Light Railway Commission Sheet No. 3 Pic 14063: Light Railway Commission Sheet No. 4 <123456789101112131415161718>