Pic 7510: Two men seated at the front of 'Three Trees' Pic 7511: Man tending a garden Pic 7512: Two men in uniform with a two horse carriage Pic 7513: Young man with two plough horses in harness Pic 7514: Group of 20 men outside a sawmill building Pic 7515: Railway worker seated on a motorbike Pic 7516: Group photograph of 24 (sawmill?) workers Pic 7517: Mackay Family Photograph Pic 7518: Soldiers loading timber onto a horse-drawn wagon Pic 7519: Mackay Family Photograph ~ Private Alex Mackay Pic 7520: Mackay Family Photograph ~ Tommy Mackay Pic 7521: Mackay Family Photograph ~ Alexander and Thomas Mackay Pic 7522: Mackay family group in Toronto Pic 7523: Mackay Family Photograph ~ George Mackay Pic 7524: Mackay Family Photograph ~ Private George Mackay Pic 7526: Group photograph including George Mackay Pic 7527: George Mackay in group photograph Pic 7528: George, Jessie, Jeanie and Willie Mackay Pic 7529: Mackay Family Photograph ~ George Mackay Pic 7530: Mackay Family Photograph ~ George and Alex Mackay Pic 7531: Two men with a grazing horse Pic 7532: Man and horse possibly at Highland Show Pic 7533: Mackay Family Photograph ~ George Mackay Pic 7534: Group photograph of soldiers outside billet <1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526>