Pic 13127: Seeing off passengers on the Dornoch Light Railway Pic 13139: Lady feeding chickens Pic 13140: A group of nuns, other ladies and five children Pic 13141: Three young women in academic gowns Pic 13142: Woman with pot and bucket Pic 13143: Women with bucket Pic 13144: Three women with farm landscape Pic 13146: MaDonald sisters in a garden setting Pic 13147: Six young ladies sitting on a river bank Pic 13148: Young girl standing in a flower meadow Pic 13149: The Dornoch Hotel Pic 13150: Three ladies and a gentleman on the golf course Pic 13151: Family group standing in a doorway Pic 13152: Malcolm MacDonald family group? Pic 13153: A picnic group Pic 13154: Gentleman sitting on the rocks at Dornoch beach Pic 13155: A lady sitting on the rocks at Dornoch beach Pic 13156: Young man + boy crossing a burn on suspended wire Pic 13157: Studio photograph of a young girl Pic 13158: A mother with young baby Pic 13159: Studio photograph of MacDonald sisters Pic 13160: Josephine MacDonald in university gown Pic 13162: Studio photograph of soldier in full dress uniform Pic 13221: Mackay and Ross summer visitors to Embo <1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526>