Historylinks Archive

Farm workers seeding oats Pic 9354: Farm workers seeding oats Sheep being sold at Milton of Evelix Pic 9357: Sheep being sold at Milton of Evelix Lifting tatties at Cuthill 1948 Pic 9363: Lifting tatties at Cuthill 1948 Crofting in Rogart Pic 9467: Crofting in Rogart Croft 219, Rossal, Rogart Pic 9471: Croft 219, Rossal, Rogart Talk on the Hill of Edderton Pic 9573: Talk on the Hill of Edderton Skelbo 1940-44 Pic 9578: Skelbo 1940-44 Programme for the Sutherland County Show 2010 Pic 9710: Programme for the Sutherland County Show 2010 Notes for agricultural return 1931 Pic 9759: Notes for agricultural return 1931 Boys from Sutherland Technical School picking 'tatties' Pic 9785: Boys from Sutherland Technical School picking 'tatties' Letter re. flooding at Birichen 1924 Pic 9920: Letter re. flooding at Birichen 1924 Torboll Street Farm tractor Pic 10038: Torboll Street Farm tractor Torboll Street Farm tractor with sttoks in background Pic 10039: Torboll Street Farm tractor with sttoks in background Torboll Street Farm tractor showing wheel and starting handle Pic 10040: Torboll Street Farm tractor showing wheel and starting handle Torboll Street Farm tractor showing detail of the engine Pic 10041: Torboll Street Farm tractor showing detail of the engine Torboll Street Farm tractor engine detail Pic 10042: Torboll Street Farm tractor engine detail Torboll Street Farm tractor close-up of engine Pic 10043: Torboll Street Farm tractor close-up of engine Torboll Street Farm tractor detail of rear end Pic 10045: Torboll Street Farm tractor detail of rear end Torboll Street Farm tractor view towards the rear Pic 10046: Torboll Street Farm tractor view towards the rear Photograph of Roseberry Avenue, Dornoch Pic 10057: Photograph of Roseberry Avenue, Dornoch Ledger for Evelix Farm, 1881-1904 Pic 10139: Ledger for Evelix Farm, 1881-1904 Certificate awarded to George Murray 1893 Pic 10156: Certificate awarded to George Murray 1893 Byre charm stones from Rearquhar Pic 10197: Byre charm stones from Rearquhar The Horizontal Water-wheel or 'Click' Mill Pic 10222: The Horizontal Water-wheel or 'Click' Mill