Historylinks Archive

Piece of red flannel Pic 7374: Piece of red flannel Knife boxes made by Donald Calder Pic 7667: Knife boxes made by Donald Calder Collection of Sutherland chairs Pic 8151: Collection of Sutherland chairs Spinning day at Historylinks 27 October 2009 Pic 8185: Spinning day at Historylinks 27 October 2009 Instruction at spinning Day at Historylinks Pic 8186: Instruction at spinning Day at Historylinks The spinning day at Historylinks 27 Oct 2009 Pic 8187: The spinning day at Historylinks 27 Oct 2009 Sally Wild at the spinning day at Historylinks 29 Oct 09 Pic 8188: Sally Wild at the spinning day at Historylinks 29 Oct 09 Joiner's Toolbox Pic 8216: Joiner's Toolbox Moulding plane Pic 8217: Moulding plane Moulding plane Pic 8218: Moulding plane Moulding plane Pic 8219: Moulding plane Long plane Pic 8220: Long plane Saw Pic 8221: Saw William Sutherland's chair Pic 8225: William Sutherland's chair Sutherland Chair Pic 8227: Sutherland Chair Auger Pic 8232: Auger Door sneck Pic 8233: Door sneck Marker for drill plough Pic 8234: Marker for drill plough Knitting belt Pic 8246: Knitting belt Smiddy bellows from Cuthill Pic 8254: Smiddy bellows from Cuthill Box with bottle of watch oil Pic 8267: Box with bottle of watch oil Watchmaker's scales Pic 8268: Watchmaker's scales White fringed border to mort cloth Pic 8304: White fringed border to mort cloth Mort cloth design of flowers and leaves Pic 8305: Mort cloth design of flowers and leaves