pre-Academy class, Rearquhar school, ~1910
Date Added: 24 April 2008
Year Range: 1900 - 2000
Institution Name: dnhhl
Cat No: ◀ | 2000_090 | ▶
Picture No: 811
photograph of pre-Academy class, Rearquhar school, ~1910; 4 rows of children with 2 teachers (Miss McCallan, Miss C. Grant).
Audit 01 - Photograph pasted onto a thick dark grey card with the faded name and address of photographer on the far right. The card is slightly damaged at the corners and has velcro strips attached to the back. There are two small white sticky labels with the above information stuck onto the back.
Dimensions: Length165 mm - Width 107 mm
1 Comment
Images and information about Dornoch's drinking fountain may be found on the fascinating Blog found on link http://memorialdrinkingfountains.wordpress.com/ and view Anderson Memorial Drinking Fountain
Comment left on 15 August 2013 at 11:00 by Administrator
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