Historylinks Archive

Torbol Salmon Ladder 2009 bottom pool

Torbol Salmon Ladder 2009 bottom pool

Date Added: 23 October 2009 Year: 2009 Institution Name: dnhhl Cat No: | 2009_077_01 | Picture No: 7894

First of six colour photographs taken during a survey of the Torbol Salmon Ladder in September 2009. Image 01 shows the bottom pool and waterfall.

Dimensions: jpeg file

Groups: Torboll Salmon ladder

1 Comment

This photograph of Torbol Falls brings back many happy memories for me. In my childhood in the 1950s summers my family had many outings to the Torbol falls from Embo. In those days we had no motor vehicles and walked all the way from Embo to the falls. Our route was from Embo through Coull farm to the road leading to Skelbo and then alongside Loch Fleet to the main road and then at the Railway house just before the Mound straight we took the Torbol falls road to the falls. In those years there was a very beautiful grassy area at the top of the falls with a stone dyke behind it. This was an ideal picnic spot as the dyke gave us perfect protection from the wind...and the rain on several occasions. And an added attraction in the late autumn was plenty of hazelnuts which we be collected from their trees near to the falls. Yes those were the days... Comment left on 29 October 2023 at 15:26 by Kenneth Mackay
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