Historylinks Archive

Achosnich watermill

Achosnich watermill

Date Added: 24 April 2008 Year: 1989 Institution Name: dnhhl Cat No: | 2001_003 | Picture No: 570

Plan showing location of Achosnich watermill and mounted on board with 4 colour photos (separately numbered). Explanatory text: Four water-mills have been traced on the River Evelix, all are on the lower part of the river, two being quite small, and so very ancient that little remains to be seen of them other than the trace of their lades and tail-races. Of the other two, that at Milltown of Evelix was quite the biggest, having two overshot wheels, side-by-side driving the threshing and grinding mills in separate buildings, while that of Sydera Farm seems to have been a small, undershot wheel judging by the ruins. This latter building is reported to have been burned down by Whittet, the Skibo Factor to diminish Estate duties.
Typical examples of rent are Achosnich, which had a mill, and Gashagich, which was a croft of average size. Achosnich paid 1 pig, 6 bolls, 3 firlats meal as moulter (owed by law to the laird, a proportion of the meal ground at the mill), 100 eggs, 4 cocks, 8 hens, 1 wedder, 1 beast of the laird's wintered, making a cash rent of £10 9/2. Gashagich paid 1 firlat meal, 80 eggs, 2 cocks, 4 hens, 1 wedder and 1 beast wintered, or a cash rent of £2 12/-.

Dimensions: Width 450 mm - Height 640 mm


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