Thomas Hardie's photograph album
Page 7 with 10 monochrome photographs of various sizes and shapes, some of poor quality, including T Hardie in KAR uniform, scenes in Durban and Zanzibar, and Skibo Golf Pavilion
Audit 01 - page 7 all photos have handwritten notation in black ink - top left "Snake charmer, Durban"; top middle "Durban rickshaw boys"; top right "A calm sea and cheery faces R.M.S. 'Gaika' July 1917"; middle left "Lt Harding KAR, died of Blackwater fever"; middle middle top "Draft of RE's going ashore at Lindt German, East Africa September 1917"; middle middle bottom "Mrs Rex Allen"; middle right "Hales statue, Fort Ternan Uganda Railway"; bottom left "Skibo Golf Pavilion"; bottom middle "Lt Murray, KAR killed in action"; bottom right "Street scene, Zanzibar". Several photos very faded or poor originals.
Dimensions: Height 322mm - Width 275mm