Historylinks Archive

Dornoch Academy Photograph Late 1950's

Dornoch Academy Photograph Late 1950's

Date Added: 14 May 2008 Year Range: 1950 - 1958 Institution Name: dnhhl Cat No: | 2005_072_028 | Picture No: 3983

Group photograph of Dornoch Academy with details, as far as known, of those shown. L-R Back Row: Murdo Macdonald, George Mackay, Ian Grant, James Kerr, George Fraser, Willie Vass, Ian Moffat, Frankie Cook, George Gunn 3rd Row: Wilma Stephens, Isobel Fraser, Cathie Ross, Pat Cumming, Marion Fraser, Helen Fraser, Phemi Davis, Iris Mather , Joan Ironside 2nd Row Ray Macleod, Julia LIttlejohn, Lillian Barclay, Janice Macloed, Sandra Mackay, Ray Anderson, Ruby Munro, Pamela Bowker, Mary ?, Jean Fortune Front Row: Robin MacDonald, Sandy Macgregor, John McKee, Duncan Matheson, Jackie Matheson.

Dimensions: A3


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