Historylinks Archive

Cast of Kirk o' Field

Cast of Kirk o' Field

Date Added: 24 April 2008 Year Range: 1945 - 1950 Institution Name: dnhhl Cat No: | 2003_092 | Picture No: 342

Black & white photo of 12 members of Dornoch Amateur Dramatic Society in Kirk o' Field, produced by ex Provost Harry Clunie (in 1948?). Left to right: Paris - Bothwell's Man (Nicol Manson), Mirren - a servant at Holyrood (Jennie Macrae), Mary Beaton - one of the three Marys (Christine Johnstone), Lord Traquair - Master of the Queen's Guard (Willie Wright), Mary Fleming - one of the three Marys (Barbara Grant), Bothwell (Eoin Mackintosh), Mary Queen of Scots (Margaret Calder), Mary Seton - one of the three Marys (Helen Macgregor), John Stewart - a member of the court (Duncan Mackenzie), Margaret Carwood - one of the queen's women (Cathie Mackay), Bastien Pagez - a deviser of masques and valet de chambre (George Moir), Christina Hogg - one of the queen's women (Mina Swanson).

Dimensions: Width 160m Height 117mm


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