Historylinks Archive

SWRI Handbook

SWRI Handbook

Date Added: 24 April 2008 Year: 1947 Institution Name: dnhhl Cat No: | 2007_197_19 | Picture No: 3406

Copy of Scottish Women's Rural Institutes Hand Book issued by the Central Council in September 1947. The 20 page document covers the Constitution and Organisation, Institutes, Annual Elections of Office Bearers, County Federations, Areas, Central Council, Committees, National Conference, Finance and detailed Notes for Institutes concerning the conduct of their business, hints for work, specimen programmes, competitions and suggested subjects for lectures, demonstrations, exhibitions etc. The hand book ends with a list of publications and details of the magazine, stationery, badges and copies of Institute Songs available from the Central Council Office. (for example of contents see pdf copy of 1935 version of handbook 2007.197.18)

Dimensions: Length243 mm - Width 154 mm


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