Historylinks Archive

Dornoch footballers, early 1900's

Dornoch footballers, early 1900's

Date Added: 24 April 2008 Year Range: 1900 - 1910 Institution Name: dnhhl Cat No: | 2002_276 | Picture No: 28

Black and white photo of Dornoch footballers. Back l to r: Angie Munro (gardener), Sutherlands (Gruids), Jim Leslie (Embo St), R Grant (Captain). Middle l to r: Jim Mackay (Tornaver), WH Innes (painter), Bob Murray (chemist). Front l to r: J Macintosh (Embo Farm), A Gillespie (paper shop), Walty Matheson (golfer, killed in France). Photo was in a tatty grey mount which has been discarded (Oct 30 2006).
Also enlarged copy mounted on foam board.

Dimensions: Height 128mm - Width 101mm

1 Comment

I don't think there was a Jim Leslie at Embo St in 1900. It could have been John "Jock" Leslie from Embo St who later had a plumbers business in Dornoch. Comment left on 03 April 2013 at 21:54 by Duncan Leslie
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