Historylinks Archive

Donald Ross photos - John Sutherland, Grocer

Donald Ross photos - John Sutherland, Grocer

Date Added: 24 April 2008 Year Range: 1892 - 1910 Institution Name: dnhhl Cat No: | 2006_064_03 | Picture No: 1924

Monochrome photograph of John Sutherland, with a pencil inscription on reverse by Donald Ross "John Sutherland Dornoch a grocer, in his shop Don met Janet the first time". In an accompanying note the donor commented: "So wrote my grandfather . I think he must have been struck by her at once, as on many photos he notes "Janet when I first met her", "Janet when she and I...". There is some uncertainty that this photograph is of the John Sutherland associated with the golf course.

Dimensions: Height 165mm - Width 105mm

1 Comment

To me there is no doubt at all that the gentleman in this photo is NOT the John Sutherland of golf club fame. Firstly, he looks nothing like the family album photos of the latter as a young man (for example, at 2014_028_24). Secondly, I can't imagine Donald Ross referring to his renowned golfing mentor merely as a grocer! Finally, although the famous John Sutherland had several business interests, I've never heard it suggested that running a grocers shop was one of them.

Comment left on 28 November 2015 at 12:08 by David MacLean Thanks for your observation. As mentioned in the acquisition description, the donor shared your doubts that this was a photograph of John Sutherland of Golf Secretary fame. Administrator
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