'Museum Exhibition features adventurous life of winchman'
Date Added: 10 May 2023
Year: 2023
Institution Name: dnhhl
Cat No: ◀ | 2023_018_02 | ▶
Picture No: 15313
Digital copy of an article from the Northern Times of 20 April 2023.
'Museum Exhibition features adventurous life of winchman' is an article relating to the opening of the Historylinks Summer Exhibition on 1 April 2023 about the life of Chris Murray QGM, Winchman, HM Coastguard, Stornoway.
The article also reports on the storytelling event held in Earls Cross Woods on 3 April 2023 run by the Young Curators Club and storyteller, Jenny Neesham.
Dimensions: pdf file
Groups: Chris Murray
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