Dornoch football club 1972
Date Added: 24 April 2008
Year: 2004
Institution Name: dnhhl
Cat No: ◀ | 2004_360 | ▶
Picture No: 1523
Newspaper cutting with reprint of 1972 photograph of Dornoch football club, submitted by Anne Jack; from Press and Journal, June 18th 2004; players are named back from left, Len Seatter, Greg Burns, Charlie Anderson, Philiop Aitken, Hamish Macrae, Heinz Voigt, Jack Macleod, David Tait, Walter Wickham; front from left: Ian Fairns, Jimmy Gunn, Alan Anderson, Ian Kennedy, David Bell, Billy Mackay.
Dimensions: Length 190 mm - Width 140 mm
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